Iberia Airport Services Bids for 41 AENA Handling Licenses



*Originally posted on - the leading aviation news source*

AENA received a hefty package this Saturday after Iberia Airport Services presented them with forty-one offers to obtain handling licenses in airports across Spain. Thirty-seven are individual bids, while the other four (Seville, Valencia, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote – airports for which they don’t currently hold a license) were bid in a joint venture, hopefully maximising their chances of winning the tenders.

After reaching an agreement on the XXII Ground Staff Collective Agreement, which covers more than 8,000 employees, on Thursday, the airport services company submitted a whopping forty-one applications for brand-new handling licenses.

Iberia airport services staff pose in front of a logo.

Forty-one bid proposals were submitted to AENA. | ©Iberia

The Proposals 

The Spanish airports are being presented with a personalised offer, built with a focus on sustainability, innovation, and cost, in line with the requirements of the AENA specifications.

The prestigious consulting firm Cap Gemini audited the offers before being submitted to AENA. After approval, the proposals were stored in more than 1,000 files, 337 folders and 3 gigabytes of information and submitted electronically to AENA.

The effort was a team effort with over 50 people from the airport services team and other departments, like human resources, sustainability, transformation, and legal, working on the various proposals, representing the most significant challenges for Iberia’s airport business in the coming years.

After so much work and dedication from the staff, José Luis de Luna, Director of Airport Services, says, “Thanks to everyone’s efforts, we have submitted bids that we are convinced are the most competitive to continue investing in all of Iberia’s people who work in this business and to continue keeping it within Iberia.”

Iberia workers signing contracts with two model planes in the foreground.

Over 50 people from Iberia Airport Services worked on the proposal | © Iberia

People, sustainability and innovation

Iberia Airport Services faced the most complex and competitive tender process that AENA has published due to the high number of companies that have shown interest in the process.

The requirements established in the specifications provided by the Spanish airport operator are more than 350 pages of conditions and annexes on operational and airport safety, environmental and sustainability requirements, and technical and economic solvency, translating into a millionaire investment.

While there was a lot of technical jargon to sift through, the forty-one proposals centre on these values, split into three key areas:

Sustainability: The company’s commitment is in line with the company’s sustainability strategy, and, to obtain these licences, it has included in its offer a significant investment in equipment renewal and more than 30 other measures to improve the management of waste, increase the use of renewable energies and promote a sustainable culture among its employees.

Innovation: Iberia is already a Spain pioneer in digitising its operations focused on coordination and decision-making in real-time. In the coming years, it will develop an ambitious transformation program with more than 60 transversal initiatives based on biometrics, telemetry and data analysis, allowing it to improve its efficiency and the service it provides to its customers.

Costs: Iberia reached an agreement with the main unions on the XXII Collective Bargaining Agreement for Ground Staff, which affects 8,000 employees of Iberia Airport Services, and allows it to take part in these handling contests on a cost basis. and measures to improve productivity in terms of shift planning and schedules necessary to maintain its competitiveness.

In addition to their purpose, the work compiling these bids has allowed the airport services company to leverage the trust of the more than 150 client airlines to which it provides service in 29 Spanish airports, making it the leading handling provider in Spain, with more than 100 million passengers served annually.

Do you think this work will pay off? Let us know in the comments!



By: Samuel Ayobami Ojerinola
Title: Iberia Airport Services Bids for 41 AENA Handling Licenses
Sourced From:
Published Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 15:05:39 +0000

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