TRIP REPORT: Croatia Airlines, Split - Zagreb in business




After a long couple of weeks touring Croatia by boat and on foot, it was time to head home. I took an Uber for the short ride from the hotel to Split Airport in the morning for the short hop to Zagreb, where I would then take another flight.

TRIP REPORT: Croatia Airlines, Split - Zagreb in business

The airport in Split was quite nice. Checking in and getting through security went smoothly. When it was time to board the small Dash 8 turboprop, we walked outside, handed our hand luggage to the attendant, then climbed the stairs to the plane. The front row of economt was blocked off for business class passengers. Usually, with 3-seat rows, the middle seat is not used, but in 2x2-seat configuration such as this one, both are used. Unfortunately, this was the case here, as an off-duty pilot sat next to me in the first row. That meant, other than the bulkhead space in front of the first row, and the small boxed snack, there wasn’t any real benefit to business class. In fact, I would never have booked it normally, but it came with the international business class ticket I booked with Turkish Airlines for the onward trip.

TRIP REPORT: Croatia Airlines, Split - Zagreb in business

Soon after takeoff, I was offered a drink (I had a Coke) and a small snack box which consisted of cheese and crackers, and a whole bunch of cardboard, plastic, and color-printed paper…enough to fuel the nightmares of any carbon continuous traveler…

TRIP REPORT: Croatia Airlines, Split - Zagreb in business

TRIP REPORT: Croatia Airlines, Split - Zagreb in business

The entire flight was about 45 minutes, so no sooner had we reached our cruising altitude for the flight, we began the descent into Zagreb. I got a good view of it out the window as we turned to make the approach. Once we were parked near the terminal, we used the stairs again to deplane, grabbed our carry-ons, and proceeded into the terminal. Fortunately, if you follow the correct paths through the building, you can get directly to the international departure area, where you get a cursory immigration check, and then walk right into the main departure area.

TRIP REPORT: Croatia Airlines, Split - Zagreb in business

That was it for this short 45-minute flight. The flight was quick and generally pleasant, uneventful other than the lack of anything that could be described as business class about it. In fairness, this is typical of European domestic flights. Share your travel experience by submitting a trip report to [email protected] EX-YU Aviation NewsBy: EX-YU Aviation[email protected]
Title: TRIP REPORT: Croatia Airlines, Split - Zagreb in business
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Published Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 07:59:00 +0000