CCTV shows E-jet short of runway in serious Belgrade incident



Verified CCTV footage has captured the moment a wet-leased Marathon Airlines Embraer E195 aircraft operating on behalf of Air Serbia on Sunday February 18 struck the Instrument Landing System (ILS) array on departure and sustained significant damage to the fuselage, wing box and stabilizer in what is being treated as a serious incident. The aircraft, which was bound for Dusseldorf, managed to land safely just under an hour after becoming airborne. Although there have been no official public statements surrounding the incident, bar from a note by Air Serbia that passengers were at no point at risk, Air Traffic Control (ATC) recordings show the aircraft entered the runway from the D5 intersecting taxiway, rather than D6 as assigned by the tower. As a result, it began its departure roll more than halfway down the runway, despite being cautioned several times by ATC.

— Peđa Vučetić (@Pedjijatar) February 19, 2024In the recording of the communication between the plane and tower, ATC asks the pilot if he is familiar that he entered the runway via the D5 intersection to which the pilot responds that he is. He is told how much runway he has available and asked to calculate if he can depart while being offered the opportunity to backtrack, after which the pilot confirms that he is able to depart. After take-off, the captain says, “We have to go back, we touched something on the ground”. Based on the flight data chart, the aircraft was just twenty feet above the highway located near the airport after taking off. The exchange between the pilot and ATC can be heard here.

CCTV shows E-jet short of runway in serious Belgrade incident

Passengers on board the flight reported they heard a loud bang upon departure. One of the passengers noted, “After take-off there was a bang on the left-hand side where I was sitting, and I could feel how strong the impact was. The plane started vibrating. It was a stressful experience. Some fifteen minutes later the crew informed passengers we would be returning to Belgrade. Some forty minutes later the captain informed us that we would pass over the airport to determine if we can land and afterwards, we thankfully touched down. All the announcements were made in English”. The flight to Dusseldorf was cancelled following the diversion with 93 out of the 106 passengers booked on the flight opting to continue their journey with the airline the following day. Air Serbia is wet-leasing the E195 from Greece’s Marathon Airlines, meaning the latter provides the aircraft, complete crew, maintenance, and insurance for the plane. According to media reports, the Marathon Airlines pilot from Italy was experienced and an instructor on the Embraer aircraft, while the Polish first officer is believed to be younger and less experienced, although this has not been independently verified. An investigation is now underway to determine the exact causes of the incident.

CCTV shows E-jet short of runway in serious Belgrade incident

CCTV shows E-jet short of runway in serious Belgrade incident

EX-YU Aviation NewsBy: EX-YU Aviation[email protected]
Title: CCTV shows E-jet short of runway in serious Belgrade incident
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Published Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 08:00:00 +0000