Mumbai and Delhi Airports The Epicentre Of Air Ambulance Flights



India is currently experiencing the peak of its Covid-19 pandemic and this has been reflected in the number of Air Ambulance flights operating in and out of two of the country’s mainstream Airports, Delhi and Mumbai. Indeed, over the course of April and May, 140 Air Ambulance flights operated at the aforementioned Airports.  Delhi International Airport alone witnessed over 100 Air Ambulance flights in just 50 days.

It is also important to note that Delhi Airport’s recently constructed General Aviation Terminal has enabled Air Ambulance flights to operate more efficiently. Consequently, all Pilots and Crew operating Air Ambulance flights were able to move more swiftly in and out of the General Aviation Terminal, whilst the patients being carried were able to gain direct access to the Aircraft Parking Bay via the Airside Gates. 

The configuration of the Air Ambulance Aircraft means that they have isolation pods implemented in them, that specifically cater for patients who contracted Covid-19, by supplying them continuous oxygen support. 

Air Ambulance

Persistent Pressure Of Air Ambulance Flights To Fight Covid-19 | © Sunday Guardian Live

irports Responding With UrgencyWhilst many of the Air Ambulance flights have been operated with only three or fewer hours notice, their have been measures put in place to ensure that the flights can depart expeditiously. Indeed, this includes arranging approvals for such flights and the corresponding crew to be part of the operations. Furthermore, Medevac Operations have assisted in handling Air Ambulance flights, given that they specialise in operating medical evacuation flights.

At Mumbai Aport, they have a process in place, whereby as soon as a request is made for an Air Ambulance flight, they immediately contact all concerned parties to ensure expeditious movements through the Airport can be made to operate the flight.

By: Ranjit Shergill
Title: Mumbai and Delhi Airports The Epicentre Of Air Ambulance Flights
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 21:00:06 +0000

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