Is it Time for a Travel Corridor Between the US and the UK?



As countries around the globe loosen restrictions and lessen boundaries, the aviation industry look towards vital travel corridors that need to be reopened if the sector is to benefit from the travel boom – the first being between the US and the UK.

Travel corridor US UK

US back on the cards? | © Luke Michael

What’s happening in the UK?

UK US Travel Corridor

UK and US connection – should it return? | © Gemma Evans

Currently, travel is still limited in the UK. Countries can be added and taken away from the travel light system, which allows people to avoid quarantine upon arrival from certain places. Many citizens are hesitant to book trips away, as they may have to hurry home from the country if the rules of it are changed. The government have stated they have the right to move countries from ‘go’ to ‘stop’ immediately. This is exactly what happened in Portugal last week as the country went to ‘amber’ and Brits had to hurry home before the deadline.

Travel corridor US UK

London airports want it back. | © Tomek Baginski

The US and the UK Flight Path

Airlines are pushing a travel corridor between the US and the UK, so travel to America can start to take off again from London airports. Currently, UK residents are banned from entering the US and airline chiefs want this to change. Their reasoning being that both countries have citizens which have been mostly vaccinated. The vaccine roll-out has been so efficient in both countries, that bosses of major UK airlines think that travel should continue between the two.

The travel corridor is considered essential for economical purposes, but also is vital for those who haven’t been able to see family or friends over the past year. The lifting of travel restrictions will allow people to reconnect with loved ones, which the airline bosses deem more important than travelling for leisure or a holiday.

Do you think it’s time for the US and UK to reconnect? Let us know in the comments below!

By: Olivia Newman
Title: Is it Time for a Travel Corridor Between the US and the UK?
Sourced From:
Published Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2021 12:00:45 +0000

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