Did You Know That Pilot Fatigue is Still a Big Issue in Commercial Aviation?



*Originally posted on - the leading aviation news source*

When a pilot is in a state of reduced mental or physical performance capability resulting from sleep loss or extended wakefulness, known as fatigue, they can remove themselves from a flight if they find themselves exhausted. It is possible as significant airlines have fatigue reporting mechanisms.

Pilot Fatigue is A Big Issue in Commercial Aviation

“Pilot fatigue has long been a concern, and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)  proposed new EU-wide rules setting limits on the duration that pilots could fly and be on duty, as stated in a blog post from BBC News.”

Pilot fatigue is increasingly recognized as a danger that can cause aviation accidents and incidents by impairing many aspects of human performance. Because the human body and brain perform best with uninterrupted sleep at night, fatigue is unavoidable in 24/7 operations. As a result, fatigue must be minimized since it cannot be cured.

pilot fatigue

Pilot fatigue: can you beat your body clock?@BAA Training

Fatigue And Risk Management

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sponsored a multidisciplinary subject matter expert work group to examine the problems with maintenance-related human fatigue and feasible science-based methods for lowering fatigue risk.

The flight time, flight duty periods, duty periods, and rest periods must not exceed the regulator’s prescribed limits (which are?)in the prescriptive fatigue management approach. An operator should also use the Safety Management System (SMS) procedures to manage other hazards and handle fatigue. ​

Getting enough sleep is the best way to prevent fatigue. However, it can be challenging to accomplish this, especially during commercial deployments when the quality and duration of sleep are frequently lower than usual.

2 Factors Contributing To Pilot Fatigue

1. Federal Aviation Regulations

According to the Federal Aviation Regulations, airline pilots are only allowed to work eight hours a day, which only includes “gate-to-gate” time. Eight hours of flight time usually results in double that amount of actual job-related time.

Pilots do not finish their workday at home, and are frequently in different locations around the world, needing a hotel stay. They have to relax for the next day with only eight hours left on their regular day (what do you mean ‘with only eight hours left on their regular day?). Because hotels are not frequently connected to airports, a portion of these eight hours is spent in a shuttle travelling back and forth to their hotel.

2. Gate-To-Gate Pay

The term “gate-to-gate” refers to the fact that pilots get paid only after the plane has pulled back from the gate in the departure city, and the timer has stopped when it arrives at the arrival gate. However, they have much more to do than fly airplanes.

In addition to other unpaid tasks, pilots must submit flight plans, perform pre and post-flight checks to guarantee the safety of the aircraft, and complete paperwork.

Other causes of Pilot Fatigue from the European Cockpit Association are:

67% of French pilots identify a series of morning departures as problematic and contributing to fatigue.88% of the pilots in Denmark estimate the rest between work periods as insufficient, and 83 % reiterate the long working hours.69% of the pilots in Germany stated they were too tired to perform a whole flight duty after having been called out of standbyIn addition to a series of early or late duties, the top 3 of the Netherlands survey, pilots, note that there often is a lack of resting places/possibilities.More than 50% of the pilots polled in France have similar concerns. The lack of adequate rest areas is considered problematic and contributes to fatWill.

Pilot fatigue is a big issue in commercial aviation, and it has cost risks and accidents in different forms. As much as we have discussed risk management for fatigue, it will be safe to comply.Will you like to discuss what you know about pilot fatigue as a big issue in commercial aviation? Comment below! **CONTENT ORIGINATED FROM TRAVELRADAR.AERO**


By: Anibe Adama
Title: Did You Know That Pilot Fatigue is Still a Big Issue in Commercial Aviation?
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Published Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2022 09:07:27 +0000