7 Ways to Overcome Jet Lag



*Originally posted on - the leading aviation news source*

One of the things that is quite disturbing when travelling abroad is the time difference, which leads to jet lag or sleep disturbances. Here are seven ways to overcome jet lag and make your trip enjoyable.

Minimize symptoms caused by jet lag.

Many steps can also be taken to minimize symptoms caused by jet lag. © Mike van Den Bos/Unsplash

Immediately change your time

Find out the time difference in your destination city. The sooner you adjust to your local time zone, the faster your body will adapt. Usually, most travellers change the time on their cellphones, watches, and other electronic devices while on the plane.

djust bedtime

If you plan to travel for a long time, start getting used to sleeping hours in the destination country a few days in advance. Sleep earlier if you travel east and go to sleep later if you go west. On the plane, force your body to sleep at the destination time.

Maintaining a healthy water intake.

The body can minimize jet lag by maintaining a healthy water intake. © Unsplash

Drink a lot

Dehydration is a contributing factor in jet lag. This dehydration begins during the flight. Consume water frequently and early to help reduce this. Always keep a cup or squirt bottle of water with you to serve as a reminder to sip. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcoholic beverages and those containing caffeine such as coffee and tea.

Get enough sleep

Usually, at your destination, you will find it difficult to sleep at night. Don’t worry if you still can’t adapt. On early arrival, four hours of sleep at night is enough for the body to adjust to the local time. Instead, try taking a short nap with a maximum duration of 20 minutes. Do not be too long, because when a nap is too long, the eyes will be awake but the brain is still in a resting state, which creates a state of drowsiness.

void sleeping pills

Some flight crews take melatonin, a hormone produced by the body at night, to combat jet lag due to the demands of the profession. However, avoid sleeping pills as much as possible because they won’t help your body adjust to the new time naturally.

Exposure to natural light

The main factor in allowing the body to adjust to the new body clock is the day and night cycle. Exposure to direct sunlight usually works to help the body adapt to a new time zone. Depending on how far you’ve travelled and when you land, it can be preferable to stay out of the sun when you first arrive and then expose yourself to extended light sooner the following day.

No need to adapt

If your trip to your destination is less than four days, then you don’t have to bother adjusting to the local time zone. Instead of adapting, you’re actually destroying your normal body clock.

Have you dealt with jet lag before? What are your tips and tricks to overcome jet lag? Let us know in the comments!



By: Karina Anandya
Title: 7 Ways to Overcome Jet Lag
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2022 21:12:05 +0000

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